Shifting Reactions B

In this next section we will investigate reversible reactions in more detail by observing adding or removing amounts of reactants or products. The reaction we will look at is the same reaction that we began (NOTE: add a link to Shifting Reactions A here) with; R + BG RG + B. In place of the microscopic representation we will view the reaction by tracking the amount of reactants and products using a chart recorder.

Experiment #1: Before starting the movie on the right note the Initial amounts of R, BG, RG and B. When you start the movie you will see a chart recording depicting the relative amounts of all four chemical species. View the movie on the right and consider the following questions:

9. Can you set up the RICE table (Reaction, Initial Condition, Change Condition and Ending Condition) with the Initial amounts of R, BG, RG and B? Answer

10. What happens when the Resume button is selected? Answer

View the movie on the right and answer the following question:

11. Describe what happens when the Enable Reactions button is selected? Answer

12. Continue the RICE table started in Question 9 by including the amounts of R, BG, RG and B after the chart recording stops (Ending amounts). Answer

Experiment #2:
In the next movie the initial amounts of BG, RG and B are the same as the Ending amounts from Experiment #1 and the Initial amount of R is changed by increasing its amount to 2.00 moles.

13. Setup the new ICE table with the Initial amounts of R, BG, RG and B in Experiment #2. Answer

View the movie on the right and answer the following question:

14. Complete the ICE table with for Experiment #2 with the Ending amounts of R, BG, RG and B and the Change amounts. Answer

Experiment #3:
In the next movie the initial amounts of R, RG and B are the same as the Ending amounts from Experiment #2 and the Initial amount of BG is changed by increasing its amount to 1.00 moles.

15. Setup the new ICE table with the Initial amounts of R, BG, RG and B in Experiment #3. Answer

View the movie on the right and answer the following question:

16. Complete the ICE table with for Experiment #3 with the Ending amounts of R, BG, RG and B and the Change amounts. Answer

Experiment #4:
In the next movie the initial amounts of BG, RG and B are the same as the Ending amounts from Experiment #3 but the Initial amount of R is changed by decreasing its amount to 0.750 moles.

17. Setup the new ICE table with the Initial amounts of R, BG, RG and B in Experiment #4. Answer

View the movie on the right and answer the following question:

18. Complete the ICE table with for Experiment #4 with the Ending amounts of R, BG, RG and B and the Change amounts. Answer

Experiment #5:
In the next movie the initial amounts of R, BG, and B are the same as the Ending amounts from Experiment #4 but the Initial amount of RG is changed by increasing its amount to 2.00 moles.

19. Setup the new ICE table with the Initial amounts of R, BG, RG and B in Experiment #5. Answer

View the movie on the right and answer the following question:

20. Complete the ICE table with for Experiment #5 with the Ending amounts of R, BG, RG and B and the Change amounts. Answer

Experiment #6:
In the next movie the initial amounts of R, BG, and B are the same as the Ending amounts from Experiment #5 but the Initial amount of RG is changed by decreasing its amount to 1.00 moles.

21. Setup the new ICE table with the Initial amounts of R, BG, RG and B in Experiment #6. Answer

View the movie on the right and answer the following question:

22. Complete the ICE table with for Experiment #6 with the Ending amounts of R, BG, RG and B and the Change amounts. Answer

You have performed six experiments with the reaction
R + BG RG + B

changing the amounts of reactants and products initially to see how the reaction shifts under these different conditions. You will now prepare a summary of results of the six experiments and from this summary develop a conclusion statement that describes the changes that are observed. Go to the page with the Summary Table.