Sample Resources



Video Experiments

Laboratory Simulations

Gas Law (LO6.4)









Collapsing Can (LO6.1)

Cartesian Divers (LO6.1)

Graham's Law of Effusion (LO6.5)







Barometers (LO6.1)

Boyle's Law (teacher) (LO6.2)

Boyle's Law (student) (LO6.2)

Charles' Law (LO6.2)

Gay-Lussac's Law (LO6.2)

Avogadro's Law (LO6.2)

Dalton's Law (LO6.3)

Graham's Law of Effusion (LO6.5)

Real Gases (LO6.6)


Activity of metals

The Activity of Metals laboratory simulation is an additional example of this type of Concept Development Tool


Written Materials/Activities


Video Experiments

Laboratory Simulations

Gas Law


Graham's Law of Effusion



Boyle's Law



Activity of metals




Computer-Based Concept Development Resources:

These are computer-based resources that allow students to generate data from which a chemistry concept can be invented or to explore the application of the concept. These resources will allow students to explore chemical concepts at the macroscopic, submicroscopic and symbolic levels, and to analyze and interpret data in a virtual laboratory. Accompanying the resources would be an Activity Manual(s) that would direct student inquires into chemical phenomena and contain their observations and responses to questions. These inquires could be used as pre-lecture, during lecture, or post-lecture activities.

There are three types of resources:

MoLE (molecular level laboratory experiments): These are Web accessible, computer-based simulation activities that mirror the procedures and the instructional strategy of guided inquiry sensory-level laboratory activities. The computer window of the activity is divided into submicroscopic (atomic/molecular) representations, a symbolic (graphical representation) and a macroscopic representation. See example for the gas law MoLE activity at (insert web reference). Students can use the simulation to generate data to support a submicroscopic representation of a concept. With each MoLE activity an activity guide is included to assist the student in collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data. This component is design for greater flexibility to allow the instructor greater range of implementation strategies, including a computer laboratory setting; as an independent homework assignment; and in a lecture/group discussion setting. As in the case of the guided inquiry laboratory activities the MoLE activities should be used to introduce the concept. (See Appendix 4 for Gas Law example.)

Video demonstrations: Video demonstrations are macroscopic demonstrations of chemical phenomenon. Students will be able to collect qualitative and/or quantitative data and with the aid of an activity guide assist the student in collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data. The activity guide will also include paper and pencil inquiry activities for individual and cooperative group investigations. These demonstrations can be viewed on the Web independently by the students, in groups, or during a lecture/discussion class.

Laboratory Simulations: Laboratory simulations will have a virtual laboratory feel, and allow students to investigate a concept at the macroscopic level. Some of the Laboratory Simulations will include submicroscopic views to encourage linking between levels. Students will be able to collect qualitative and/or quantitative data and with the aid of an activity guide assist the student in collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data. The activity guide will also include paper and pencil inquiry activities for individual and cooperative group investigations. These simulations can be viewed on the Web independently by the students, in groups, or during a lecture/discussion class, or as an assignment to be completed, before or following lecture.


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