This is the input form for feedback on how you are doing on the PS1. Enter your answers in form below and click on the submit button. I will be adding more of the problems in the near future.
First Name:
Last Name:
Laboratory Section:
PS1.1 and PS1.4 have several parts with numeric answers. Enter your answer in the field for the part of PS1.1 and/or PS1.4a that you would like to check. Leaving fields blank is OK. Parts b - e for PS1.4 will be ready on Tuesday evening.
PS1.1a. Enter your numeric answer to this part of Question 3. Be sure that you have the correct units, but only input the number.
PS1.1b. Enter your numeric answer to this part of Question 3. Be sure that you have the correct units, but only input the number.
PS1.1c. Enter your numeric answer to this part of Question 3. Be sure that you have the correct units, but only input the number.
RPS4a. Enter your numeric answer to this part of Question 4. Be sure that you have the correct units, but only input the number.