Last modified: Wed 12/31/1969 06:00:00 pm
CHEM 1515 Spring 2015 BCE2

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Answer all of the questions below. If you do not know an answer enter CNA. However, it will help me the most if you answer each question with your best intuition/idea about what would be a reasonable answer.

First Name:

Last Name:

Laboratory Section:

1. What sign of H (+ or -), for a chemical reaction, supports a thermodynamically favored reaction? Explain.

2. What sign of S (+ or -), for a chemical reaction, supports a thermodynamically favored reaction? Explain.

3. An equation we will discuss in class on Tuesday, January 20th is

G = H - TS

G is called the Free Energy for a chemical reaction and is the term that defines whether a reaction is thermodynamically favored or not. Based on your responses in Q1 and Q2 above, for a chemical reaction that is thermodynamically favored, what is the sign of G (+ or -)? Explain.

sign is


4. For a chemical reaction that is thermodynamically not favored, what is the sign of G (+ or -)? Explain.

sign is


5. Assume for a particular reaction the sign of H is positive (+) and the sign for S is positive (+). Is this reaction thermodynamically favored or not? Explain. (Checkout Table 17.1 on page 831 in your textbook.)

6. Is there anything about the questions that you feel you do not understand? List your concerns/questions.

7. If there is one question you would like to have answered in lecture, what would that question be?