Experiment #6:
In the next movie the initial amounts of R, BG, and B are the same as the Ending amounts from Experiment #5 but the Initial amount of RG is changed by decreasing its amount to 1.00 moles.

21. Setup the new ICE table with the Initial amounts of R, BG, RG and B in Experiment #6. Answer

View the movie on the right and answer the following question:

22. Complete the ICE table with for Experiment #6 with the Ending amounts of R, BG, RG and B and the Change amounts. Answer

You have performed six experiments with the reaction
R + BG RG + B

changing the amounts of reactants and products initially to see how the reaction shifts under these different conditions. You will now prepare a summary of results of the six experiments and from this summary develop a conclusion statement that describes the changes that are observed. Go to the page with the Summary Table.