Last modified: Wed 12/31/1969 06:00:00 pm


  • HELP Session, Sunday, October 22, 2006 at 7:00 pm in PS141.

  • Check out the answers to the DCI on Hess' Law and the other DCI on Enthalpy on your Assignment Page for Thursday, October 18, 2006 in Week 9. You will want to look at these problems as you work on PS#8.

  • PLE#15 is now available from your Personal Page. I have two ACAs that are appropriate following Thursday's lecture (ACA#15 and ACA#16). You only have to do ONE, but if you do both I'll count them both towards your total. Also doing both will give you more sample problems that you can use to help you do PS#8.

  • The PowerPoints for the rest of Chapter 5 notes and the beginning of Chapter 6 notes are now available on your Assignment Page for today's lecture.

  • Exams are graded and new grades are posted. The average was 52 and the high score was a 97. WOW! Swag on Thursday, plus more thermochemistry and we will begin a new Chapter! See you in class.

  • PS#8 is now available. I recommend prnting it out so you have it for lecture on Tuesday, October 17, 2006.

  • A review of our Exam I is now available on the Fall 2006 podcast. If you have any questions about any problem on Exam I check out the podcast.

  • The average for Exam 1 is 56.5, not bad. The high score was a 94. The high score will receive a special certificate in class tomorrow, a chemisty bumper sticker and some other swag. NEat stuff. All the grades that I have are posted. Most sections have at least one PS and one Lab grade. Exam 1 scores are also posted. If your grades do not appear let me know. This is usually because of a bad SID. If you started your SID with a zero, your scores will not appear, so let me know. What was your letter grade on the exam? Remember the course distibution: A (85%) : B (75%) : C (55%) : D (40%). Anyone who is concerned about their performance please drop by and see me in my office. I will be happy to review your exam and make recommendations to help your next exam score. The class average is not to far off from other semester averages.

  • Be sure you have your CHEM 1314 Lab manual before going to lab. They are available at Cowboy Book and the Book Trader if the SU is out. If you do not have your lab manual it will be your responsibility to have a copy of the laboratory experiment before you can begin the laboratory. Also wear appropriate clothing to lab.

  • I have also posted Tuesday's lecture as a podcast. If you need some assistance on accessing the video podcasts for our class you can find a brief help file here. Check out the videos on problem solving, they may help on your Problem Sets and Exams. I also have sample exam discussion podcasts posted for each CHEM 1314 exam. Do you have an idea of a podcast that would help you in CHEM 1314? Let me know.

  • Do you have iTunes (version 6)? Are you downloading any podcasts? (Note you do not need a video iPod or a Mac to subscribe to the video podcasts.) Inquiring minds want to know...actually I do. If you do not have iTunes (which you need to subscribe to a podcast) on your computer checkout the Apple iTunes download web site. To access the General Chemistry Spring 2006 Podcast, open iTunes and select Advance Menu Option. Pick the Subscribe to Podcast and enter the address into the dialog box. This will subscribe you to the CHEM 1314 Video Podcast. You may select which videos you would like to download. Check out the videos on problem solving, they may help on your Problem Sets and Exams. I also have a sample exam discussion on the podcast. NOTE: The address for the Fall 2005 podcasts is
  • Your TA's e-mail address is below.
  • Lab Sections

    Lab Section #

    Lab Day



    Lab Room




    8:30 am - 10:20 am

    Kerry Easton




    1:30 pm - 3:20 pm

    Qing Zhu




    6:30 pm - 8:20 pm

    Kim Pham




    1:30 pm - 3:20 pm

    Kim Pham




    1:30 pm - 3:20 pm

    Qing Zhu




    8:30 am - 10:20 am

    Kim Pham




    8:30 am - 10:20 am

    Kerry Easton




    1:30 pm - 3:20 pm

    Qing Zhu



    Check out the link to the web site for our textbook (BLB). The link is near the top of the left frame on our web site. Clicking on the link will take you to a page with an image of our textbook. Near the top of the page is a dropdown menu listing the Chapters in the text. Select a chapter and a page will be loaded for that chapter that contains links to resources. If you would like some practice problems try the Problem Solving Center. When the Problem Center page is loaded scroll down to the red button under flexible questions. Select the Homework link. This will generate a set of questions from the chapter. You will need a calculator.

    Here is a very nice Periodic Table that contains lots of physical properties and chemical properties for the elements.

  • WANT SOME ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS TO PRACTICE IN PREPARATION FOR EXAM I? Check out the Student Access Kit in the Media Pak that was shrink-wrapped with your textbook. Follow the instructions for registering that are provided in the Student Access Kit to logon to the Prentice Hall web site. When you are registered checkout the Practice Problems I and II. Also check out the a link to another 'older' web site for Brown, LeMay and Bursten which has even more problems to practice on. Click on the Jump to... dropdown menu list near the top of the web page. There are a set of more interesting problems at the second web site. HAVE FUN!!!

  • Remember for laboratory, no open-toed footwear, and no shorts. You will be expected to wear safety goggles all the time you are in laboratory.
  • Here are some quick responses to the last question on ACA#4 (If you could ask one question...).
  • Here are some quick responses to the last question on ACA#2 (If you could ask one question...).

  • If you have not yet purchased your textbook (and even if you have) you might consider whether you would prefer an electronic version of the textbook rather than a hard copy version. This option may work for some of you. The catch? It is priced approximately half of the cost of the hard copy version of the textbook. The electronic version of Brown, LeMay and Bursten is now available. You can also check the OSU Bookstore web site for details.

  • ----Previous Announcements----


    Tuesday, October 24, 2006

    Thursday, October 19, 2006

    Tuesday, October 17, 2006

    Thursday, October 12, 2006

    Thursday, October 5, 2006

    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    Tuesday, September 26, 2006

    Thursday, September 21, 2006

    Tuesday, September 19, 2006

    Thursday, September 14, 2006

    Tuesday, September 12, 2006

    Thursday, September 7, 2006

    Tuesday, September 5, 2006

    Thursday, August 31, 2006

    Tuesday, August 29, 2006

    Thursday, August 24, 2006

    Tuesday, August 22, 2006