Please re-enter answers to PS10.8c and PS10.8d. There was a coding issue, so I have no answers before 6 pm on Thursday, March 26th.
HELP!!! Session tonight at 6:30 pm in PS141. We will discuss salts and common ions.
ACA#20, ACA#21, BCE#18 and BCE#19 are now available on your Personal Page. You will need a calculator for the ACA and BCE. Be sure to do these in the correct order, ACA#20, BCE#18 and then ACA#21 and BCE#19.
I am out of town on Tuesday, March 24th but the ACA and BCE are due as usual. Also checkout PS#10 problems that are due. No class on Tuesday. Lab this week is Experiment #8. E-mail if you have questions. See you in class on Thursday. HELP! session Thursday evening!
New grades are posted. Average on Exam II is 56. You will receive your exams back in laboratory next week. Remember if you want any problem(s) regraded to return your exam to your TA, BEFORE leaving laboratory.
You can check your Responses to the Expert's for PS7 and PS8 on your Personal Problem Set page.
Sample exams are on your Personal Assignment page for Week 7 and Week 12. Also checkout the Podcast Information link on your Personal Page.
Answers to PS7 and PS8 are posted on your Personal Problem Set page. PS9 is now available on your PS page also.
OK, new grades posted. Let me know if you see any problems with your grades so far. Remember PS#4 was omitted because I changed the content that I am covering in the course this semester. Read the information carefully on the grades page, as most questions will be answered there.
Is class attendance important?
Clicker |
Exam Average |
Students with clicker who attended both class on 2/3/15 and 2/5/15 |
66.9 |
Students with clicker who attended only one class on 2/3/15 or 2/5/15 |
47 |
Students with clicker who did not attend class on 2/3/15 and 2/5/15 |
34.3 |
Students who do not have clickers (I do not know about their attendance) |
39.7 |
Exam scores are posted! Class average is 60! Amazing!! Fantastic!!
Exam Rooms are now listed on your Personal Page. Look in the left frame under Exam Info. ANSI 123 (Sections 11, 12, 13, and 14) : ANSI 124 (Sections 9 and 15) amd PS110 (Section 10)
first thing you need to do to access materials for this class is to complete
the Secret Identification (SID) form. Click on the SID#/Name link in the left
frame and complete the form. You will receive an e-mail from Dr. Gelder indicating
your SID has been accepted. Once you have entered an SID, fill out the additional
form for some extra credit, and then you can go to your Personal page. On your Personal Page check out the Assignment Page (what is happening in class),
and get your personal Review Problem Set and Problem Set #1.