Be sure to checkout the lecture notes from Friday, February 19, 2021 for some guidance on solving problems on PS6 that are due tonight.

BCE11 is now available on your Personal BCE Page. BCE11 is due by 9:30 am on Monday, February 22, 2021. This BCE should help with some PS6 problems. You will need a calculator for this BCE.

ACA11 is now available on your Personal ACA Page. ACA11 is due by 11:59 pm on Sunday, February 21, 2021. This ACA should help with some PS6 problems. You will need a calculator for this ACA

PS6 is now available on your Personal Problem Set Page. Problems from this PS are due beginning Sunday, February 21, 2021.

Answers to the first set of PS5 problems and Feedback for those answers are now available on your Personal Problem Set page.

ACA10 is now available on your Personal ACA Page. ACA10 is due by 11:59 pm on Thursday, February 18, 2021. This ACA should help with some PS5 problems. You will need a calculator for this ACA

Checkout the My Course grades link to your Personal Page for Exam 1 score and 5 PS scores. You may or may not have a lab grade. I'll explain that in class tomorrow..

PS5 is now available on your Personal Problem Set Page. Problems from this PS are due beginning Wednesday, February 17, 2021. We will begin discussing Chapter 13 in class on Monday, February 15, 2021.

Friday's class will be via Zoom. I will record the lecture and post on the Lecture Resources Page.

Exam I average was 57. This compares to Exam I averages of 63 (SP18), 58.6 (SP17) and 57 (SP16), so the average this semester is pretty consistent with past semesters. I will have more data after I get some lab scores from your TA. Once I have those I will be able to post scores on the My Course Grades link on your Personal Page. I will try to get that additional data ASAP. Still working on the BCE and ACA. Those should be posted soon.


Lab for the week of February 15 - February 19, 2021: Group C Experiment 1: Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid (Remember lab begins with a discussion period at 12:30 pm. Bring your questions over Problem Sets, BCEs, DCIs, ACAs to the discussion. You must bring your completed Pre-Laboratory Questions for experiment 1, ready to turn-in at 12:30 pm. Groups A should be working on Experiment 3: Qualitative Cation Analysis. Watch the lab video and complete the Quiz on Canvas.) Groups B should be working on Experiment 3: Qualitative Cation Analysis. Watch the lab video and complete the Quiz on Canvas.)

I'm working on a new link to Lecture resources for class. You are welcome to make suggestions of what else I can place here. For now there is a link to an activity we will do in class on Friday to introduce intermolecular attractive forces (IMAF). Get it and bring to class.

The first thing you need to do to access materials for this class is to complete the Secret Identification (SID) form. Click on the SID#/Name link in the left frame and complete the form. You will receive an e-mail from Dr. Gelder indicating your SID has been accepted. Once you have entered an SID you can go to your Personal page. On your Personal Page check out the Assignment Page (what is happening in class), and get your personal Review Problem Set and Problem Set #1 from the Problem Set link.

Copies of the During Class Invention activities are located in the During Class Inventions and Computer Lab Activities Workbook .

Interactive General Chemistry, Jessica White, Brian Anderson, Brandon Green, Mildred Hall, Macmillian Learning, the CHEM 1515 Student Laboratory Manual 2020 - 2021 and During Class Inventions and Computer Laboratory Activities Volume II, 3rd Edition, Abraham, Gelder and Greenbowe.


Lab Sections

Lab Section #

Lab Day



Lab Room




12:30 pm - 3:15 pm

Austin Anderson




12:30 pm - 3:15 pm

Haoran Zhong
